Friday 8 August 2014

Pineapple Tart (Rolled) - Tart Nenas Gulung

I am always in search for the best Pineapple Tart recipe. For this round I tried 2 tart pastry recipes found from other blogs. Thank you.(w^o^w)

Pineapple Tart (Rolled)

Filling/Pineapple jam


2 medium size pineapples
half cup water
castor sugar
yellow coloring

  1. Peel pineapple and cut into medium-small chuck.
  2. Blend pineapple with half cup water
  3. Pour blended pineapple and cook in big pot with medium-low heat. 
  4. Stir continuously until half dried, add sugar and taste. Approximately 1-2 cup sugar to desirable sweetness.
  5. Continue to cook until become jam thick consistency. Let it cool and keep in fridge.



Recipe 1 - using 3 types of flour.
Based on original recipe from Spices Journey with my little twist.

200 grams butter
50 grams ghee
3 cups all purpose flour
2 tablespoon corn starch
1 tablespoon custard powder
1 tablespoon icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 egg yolk

Recipe 2 - using only all purpose flour
Recipe from HaSue

115 grams butter- 115 gram
115 grams Ghee
1 egg ( B size)
450 grams all purpose flour
a pinch of salt
1 tablespoon cold water

egg yolk (put a drop of yellow color)


  1. Combined all ingredients and mix pastry dough with hands
  2. Using Nastar Roll, press the pastry. Add pineapple jam on top and slowly roll the pastry over it. 
  3. You can round the pineapple jam for easier process.
  4. Brush with egg yolk
  5. Bake at 180 degrees C for 20 minutes. 
  6. Let it cool before store in airtight container. Cautions :Storing warm tart may cause your tart to grow mildew..
  7. Check this useful YouTube video showing how to roll the pastry with the pineapple jam.

Recipe Review :

Both recipes are equally good and yummy.  I would personally prefer Recipe 1 as it melt in my mouth but it's quite difficult to roll because of the soft pastry. Recipe 2 pastry is firmer and easier to handle, but it doesn't melt in mouth as Recipe 1 . If you don't like the feel of pastry stuck between your teeth and palate, Recipe 2  is better. 


Hari Raya Cookies ~Honey Cornflakes ~

Does this consider as cookies? well, there's butter, so maybe it is.
Crispy & yummy, honey cornflakes. It is such a simple recipe or  but spooning it into the paper cups was quite tedious task (^^;).

Baked this for last Eid-fitr celebration. I took the recipe of Cornflakes Madu from Masam Manis the awesome cooking blog, but I'd opted raisin out in my version. 

Honey Cornflakes

1 box of 325 grams cornflakes. ( I used Kellogg's Cornflakes)
100 grams butter
3/4 cup honey
1/2 cup brown sugar
100 grams chopped almonds
colored chocolate rice for decoration-optional
small paper cups

1) Preheat oven to 150°C.
2) Melt butter, brown sugar & honey in sauce pan with low heat.
3) Pour cornflakes and almond into a bowl.
4) Pour melted butter+sugar+honey into the bowl with cornflakes. 
5) Mix well. Spoon cornflakes into small paper cup. Sprinkle with some colored chocolate rice.
6) Bake for 10 minutes. Let it cool before store in airtight container.


Chocolate Cake - Malaysian style :) - Kek Coklat

I have a lot of Chocolate Cake recipes, including from Mum's blue recipe book. But this one I get from HaSue blog, said to be originated from Chef Zubaidah recipe is really good and easy. If you live in Malaysia or Indonesia, this recipe is easy for you because one of the ingredient is Condensed Milk. It's not easily available in other country though (can be quite pricey to get one). In Japan, condensed milk usually being sold in tube, to be eaten with bread or strawberry. Not much variety compare to condensed milk sold in Malaysia.

Condensed milk sold in Japan. Isn't it cute? (^o^) ( picture Google d)

If you can get condensed milk, try this recipe. Original recipe call for the cake to be steamed. I tried both, steamed and baked, I prefer baked version. No electric mixer required for the cake.

I put my super multipurpose chocolate filling in between the cake at photo below .. (^o^) enough to satisfy my sweet craving.

Chocolate Cake 

100 grams Cocoa powder
200 grams Sugar
1 can (400 grams) evaporated milk / Full cream milk
200 grams vegetable cooking oil
250 gram Condensed milk

4 eggs - whisk with fork to lightly foam

150 grams all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder

  1. Grease and line a 9x9 inches square cake pan with baking paper.
  2. If you choose to bake in oven, preheat oven to 180°C. If you want to steam it, setup the steamer with boiled water.
  3. Combine A in a sauce-pot, slowly stir with low heat until combined and sugar dissolved. Remove from heat to cool. Do not heat until boiled.
  4. Let the mixture cool to room temperature. Add whisked eggs.
  5. Add sifted C gradually until combined.
  6. Pour in cake pan and bake for 45 minutes.

This cake is good to be eaten by itself but for my son's birthday last June, I baked this chocolate cake and layered with orange Krimwell frosting and frosted the top with Chocolate ganache. Chocolate cake with twist of orange flavored cream balanced the milky chocolate sweetness.

 I had very little time to prepare this at night, hence the simple deco with M&Ms. Chocolate ganache frosting wasn't so smooth though. I'm not good in frosting yet... shaky hands..(^o^;) Still, kids love this cake, M&Ms stolen their view and they don't seem to care about the frosting flaws...

Krimwell Frosting 
Original recipe  from NinaMirza

250 grams Krimwell ( you can buy this from bakery shop)
icing sugar 
1 tablespoon orange Sunquick  or squeezed juice from half Orange - optional or you can use any flavor

  1. Beat Krimwell with electric mixer-medium speed for 1 minute.
  2. Gradually add icing sugar to desirable sweetness. I think  I had put around 3 tablespoon icing sugar.
  3. Continue beating until light and fluffy. Add Sunquick or squeeze orange juice to taste.
  4. Layer cake with Krimwell frosting. 

Chocolate Ganache

250 grams cooking chocolate
200 gram UHT Whipping cream
20 grams butter

  1. Cut cooking chocolate into medium-small chuck; set aside.
  2. Place whip cream in a small saucepan over medium heat and bring to a simmer. Turn off the heat.
  3. Pour cooking chocolate and stir until combined. 
  4. Add butter and stir until smooth. Let cool slightly before using.


My Mum's Orange Cake Recipe - Kek Oren

When I was 12 and started baking, this orange cake was the first one that I'd baked. (^o^)
It was written in mum's blue recipe book, probably passed down from generations. This is mum's favorite cake until now. 

This simple and delicious cake will do good without any frosting and great with cuppa hot tea.

*Choose your butter. Cake baked with Buttercup won't taste the same as baked with Anchor or SCS butter. 

My Mum's Orange Cake Recipe

8 oz salted butter
8 oz all purpose flour
8 oz icing sugar
4 eggs ( A Size)
1 tsp baking powder
4 table spoon Orange juice (or juice from half Sunkist orange)*
Sunkist orange zest (shred the orange skin for fragrance)

*opt with 3 tablespoons of orange Sunquick if you don't have any fresh orange around.

1) Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease and line an 9x9 inches square cake pan with baking paper.
2) Sift flour and baking powder twice.
2) Using an electric mixer, cream butter and icing sugar ain a medium bowl on medium-high speed until light and fluffy
3) Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating to combine. Add half the flour. Stir to combine. Add orange juice. Stir to combine. Repeat with remaining flour. Add orange zest and stir to combine.
4) Pour in cake pan and bake for 30-40 minutes. Depend on your oven.


Tuesday 15 July 2014

Simple Baked Apple Pudding

Girls get together yesterday evening for Iftar at my place. It was working Monday so we decided to order take away Yamenian food, rice and grilled meat from Sana'a @ Cyberjaya for our main dish.

I arrived home about  90 minutes before time for iftar and managed to bake this super easy apple pudding (no eggs) for dessert and thank god it turn out good and was a hit.:-)

BAKED APPLE PUDDING with vanilla ice cream

3 apples (green or red)
half cup / 110 grams butter
1 cup flour
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup milk
2 teaspoon baking powder
half teaspoon cinnamon powder(optional)
vanilla ice-cream

  1. Heat oven 180 degrees.
  2. Peel and cut apples to square bite size.
  3. Put cut apples into microwaveable bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon powder. Microwave it for 3-5 minutes.
  4. In separate bowl, melt butter ( put in microwave for 10-20 seconds), add sugar and mix with hand whisk/spatula.
  5. Add milk and gradually add flour and baking powder. Mix batter to combine. Add apples into batter.
  6. Pour batter in baking dish, and bake at middle rack for 35 minutes.
  7. Serve warm baked apple pudding with vanilla ice cream. 

Prep time : 15 minutes
Bake time : 35 minutes

It's as easy as ABC, right? (^o^)

Saturday 5 July 2014

Gluten Free Dessert - Sum Sum

Sum Sum (rice pudding with syrup) is one of my favorite traditional Malay dessert also known to be originated from Javanese food.  It's can be served cold or as warm dessert. I prefer it's soft, coconuty milky, sweet and refreshingly delicious. 

Sum Sum is easy to prepare and also Gluten-Free food and it's way healthier than cheese tart when you eat in moderation..(^o^) It's made from rice flour and coconut milk, serve with some brown sugar or palm sugar syrup.

What is Gluten-Free?
A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes the protein gluten. Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. Basically rice flour is gluten-free, but if you're sensitive to gluten or having celiac disease, be sure that you purchase rice flour that has gluten-free mark on the packaging because gluten might get transferred if the same mill was used also used to produce wheat flour. <source: Google>

Basic Sum Sum Recipe

A: for the rice pudding

1 cup of rice flour (white rice flour, if you're using brown rice flour the color will be brownish)
1 cup of coconut milk 
3 cups of water
a pinch of sea salt 
2/3 pandan leaves for fragrance (optional)
you can put a drop of food coloring if you want the pudding with color.

B: for the syrup
half cup brown sugar ( adjust to preference) / I used palm sugar
1 cup water
1 pandan leaves ( optional)

1) Combine all ingredients in A together into a small pot. 
2) Bring to boil with small heat. Stir continuously.
3) Continue stirring until rice pudding cooked. It becomes silky and thick (image below). This will take around 15- 20 minutes, and you will see it make a small pop. Remove from heat

4) Transfer into baking pan or pudding mould and let it set to cool. 

6) In another small pot, combine B to make sugar syrup. I used palm sugar as it is easily available here and have the coconut fragrance.

7) Refrigerate both pudding and syrup. Scoop pudding into cup and pour syrup to serve.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Cheese Tart ~ Blueberry & Chocolate Cheesetart

Cheese tarts.. they are cute and yummy...
One of Malaysian favorites sweet desserts are Cheese Tart. You can find it easily in bakery, usually sold in 3" diameter size ( about size of a palm) with Blueberry filling,  Blueberry Cheese tart.
Blueberry always match with Cheese, but this cheese tart can have other fillings too. I tried Blueberry, Apple, Kiwi,Strawberry and Chocolate. I personally prefer blueberry & chocolate.

Making it is not difficult, but might be little bit time consuming for first timers. But, trust me the outcome is worth rewarding.

My recipe has been twisted and changed to adapt with my super busy lifestyle. Recipe cheat in making it tastier, easier  and still look great in presentation. 

You never bake before? no worries with detailed instructions below, anyone can whip a whimsically awesome cheese tarts~~ (^o^)

There are 4 steps to make this cheese tart and you can make one step at a time.

To complete from step 1 to 4 in one go, you may need around 2-3 hours, depending on how skillful you are to make the tart shells (^p^). Optional, you can buy ready made tart shells at baking store ( but it won't taste as nice as making it from scratch.)

Cheese Tart 

Tools needed
1) Tarts mould 
2) Small knife
3) Hand mixer
4) Plastic piping bag ( u can use normal plastic bag as well)
5) Microwave or Stove (optional) & Oven of course. :)

Step 1) To make Tart shell  - sweet pasty

125 gram salted butter  - cut to small cubes
70 gram icing sugar
250 gram all purpose flour
1 egg yolks ( Size A-Large)
1 tablespoon of iced cold water
1/2 teaspoon essence vanilla


1) Mix and sift flour and icing sugar. Use fork to cut butter into sifted flour and sugar until it resemble bread crumb alike.
2 ) Put egg yolks, essence vanilla and cold water.
3) Continue to mix the pastry dough with your hand until well blended.
4) Wrap in plastic and keep in fridge for 30 minutes. ( you can prepare this pastry dough and keep in fridge day ahead)

5) Place the pastry inside the mould. Press pastry with your finger to spread the pastry to mould the shape.
6) Cut the excess pastry with small knife to get a nice clean edges.
7)  Prick some holes with a fork on the pastry shell.
8) Bake at low rack at 180C for 10 -15 minutes until it's golden brown.

*  keep baked tart shell in airtight container. 
* if you want to keep it for months, store in airtight container and freeze it in freezer. Reheat in oven for 5 minutes before using it. 

Step 2) To prepare Cheese Filling 

Ingredients ( this recipe is to make fillings for just enough tart crust prepared above)
250 grams Cream Cheese
40   gram butter ( I used Buttercup)
60 grams icing sugar
1 egg ( A Size)
1 teaspoon essence vanilla /lemon juice

1) Beat cream cheese, butter and icing sugar with mixer until combined for 3 minutes with medium/high speed.
2) Add eggs, lemon juice and essence vanilla. Beat with low speed for 1 minutes.
3) Transfer cream cheese into piping bag.

Step 3) To combine tart shell with cream cheese and fillings

- Blueberry fillings or ( you can make or purchase this from baking store)
- Chocolate fillings ( click for recipe)

1) Transfer fillings into piping bag. Cut small holes to pipe the filling.
2) Pipe filling into baked tart shell pastry.
3) Pipe cream cheese on top of it until full
4) Bake at low rack in oven at 180C for 10-15 minutes. Do not over bake until the cheese crack.

Step 4) Decorations 
There are many ways to decorate topping for cheese tart. Some create swirl pattern with blueberry jam on top of the cheese tart before baking. But I found it's too time consuming..leceh laaa. Below is my cheat decoration. You can complete it in just few minutes. 

What you need:
~200 grams cooking chocolate

This is my cheat steps to melt cooking chocolate in small quantity. Instead of using double boiler, I used microwave.
1) Cut cooking chocolate into chunks, put in microwaveable bowl, I used ceramic bowl.
2) Heat in microwave as steps below: 
  • Microwave for 10 seconds.
  • Microwave 10 seconds again. Take it out and stir with spoon, at this time the chocolate has melted half.
  • Put back into microwave for another 10 seconds. Take out and stir. It has already melted. Transfer into piping bag for easy handling.
  • After sometimes, the chocolate may get harden in room temperate. When this happened just throw the piping bag with chocolate inside microwave and set for 10 seconds. Ching! it's melted again. 

3) You can now decorate  cheese tart top. You can write or draw with chocolate. 
4)  Let the chocolate harden and it's DONE! Chill this lovely tarts in fridge for better taste. 
* If you  refrigerate in airtight container, cheese tart can last for 1~2 weeks.

Still looks too difficult to make yourself? well you can always order it from WhimsyBake (^o^)
Delivery to pick up area available at Cyberjaya & Puchong area.