Tuesday 14 January 2014

Welcome 2014

a bit late for new year celebration, but it's better late than never.

I have many plans and wishes for 2014. One of it is to start writing this blog. So I can have a piece of memories of what had happened or places I had visited.

Nothing much accomplished in 2013, so I am hoping for 2014 to give a colorful and memorable event in my life.

Kicked off with 1st January celebration; I watch Dinosaurs movie with my son. Started with nice breakfast Nasi lemak + Teh tarik @Teh Tarik Place at IOI mall, overlooking the lake view. Then we had awaken our senses with the 6D movie. I had mistakenly chose the Natural Roller Coaster ( well I wasn't sure what is 6D movie anyway). For 10 minutes long we had been shaken on the seat, as if we were riding a Roller Coaster. Wait, normal Roller Coaster never took that long...10 minutes is very long for roller coaster experience...lol.. we may not go for that again.

My son, AI is seven years old! it's a big event for any parent, I feel like I had passed one of the milestones of motherhood. Good luck my son.

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