Friday, 8 August 2014

Pineapple Tart (Rolled) - Tart Nenas Gulung

I am always in search for the best Pineapple Tart recipe. For this round I tried 2 tart pastry recipes found from other blogs. Thank you.(w^o^w)

Pineapple Tart (Rolled)

Filling/Pineapple jam


2 medium size pineapples
half cup water
castor sugar
yellow coloring

  1. Peel pineapple and cut into medium-small chuck.
  2. Blend pineapple with half cup water
  3. Pour blended pineapple and cook in big pot with medium-low heat. 
  4. Stir continuously until half dried, add sugar and taste. Approximately 1-2 cup sugar to desirable sweetness.
  5. Continue to cook until become jam thick consistency. Let it cool and keep in fridge.



Recipe 1 - using 3 types of flour.
Based on original recipe from Spices Journey with my little twist.

200 grams butter
50 grams ghee
3 cups all purpose flour
2 tablespoon corn starch
1 tablespoon custard powder
1 tablespoon icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 egg yolk

Recipe 2 - using only all purpose flour
Recipe from HaSue

115 grams butter- 115 gram
115 grams Ghee
1 egg ( B size)
450 grams all purpose flour
a pinch of salt
1 tablespoon cold water

egg yolk (put a drop of yellow color)


  1. Combined all ingredients and mix pastry dough with hands
  2. Using Nastar Roll, press the pastry. Add pineapple jam on top and slowly roll the pastry over it. 
  3. You can round the pineapple jam for easier process.
  4. Brush with egg yolk
  5. Bake at 180 degrees C for 20 minutes. 
  6. Let it cool before store in airtight container. Cautions :Storing warm tart may cause your tart to grow mildew..
  7. Check this useful YouTube video showing how to roll the pastry with the pineapple jam.

Recipe Review :

Both recipes are equally good and yummy.  I would personally prefer Recipe 1 as it melt in my mouth but it's quite difficult to roll because of the soft pastry. Recipe 2 pastry is firmer and easier to handle, but it doesn't melt in mouth as Recipe 1 . If you don't like the feel of pastry stuck between your teeth and palate, Recipe 2  is better. 


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